Schedule: Mon to Fri 8:30 am - 5:30 pm

What Our Client Says

Nicole Barton

The country is going through an opioid epidemic. People generally post negative comments because have a grudge against the doctor because he may have refused to prescribe them opioids as in his opinion they may not
need them or refuse to increase their dosage because (1) They may have opioid abuse disorder (2) They might have overdosed on them (3) They may be violent (he has video evidence of one such episode and I and others
are witness to one such violent outburst from a patient while waiting in the waiting room) and he had to call law enforcement when that patient threatened him and created a problem in his clinic (4) They may not need high doses. This is what I would say in his defense. Finally you can make your own judgement about him. America is a free society and anyone has the right to post anything on social media. I have been his patient and he is very strict and thorough with the patients.